Sunday 03 August 2008

Bible Book:

"When it was evening, the disciples came to Jesus and said, 'This is a deserted place, and the hour is now late; send the crowds away so that they may go into the villages and buy food for themselves'." (v.15)

Matthew 14:13-21 Sunday 3 August 2008


God's grace gives incredible gifts that give us strength tocontinue with our daily lives just as bread, as a staple food,enables us to carry on living. Today's reading looks at God's graceturning apparent hopelessness into enough for everyone.

Jesus had had a difficult day hearing that his cousin, John theBaptist, had been killed by King Herod (Matthew 14:3-10)and he wanted to be on his own. But when the crowds followed himJesus did not send them away. He taught them about God's grace. Hisdisciples called the place "deserted" and wanted to leave but Jesussaw things differently and brought hope and refreshment into adesolate place.

The feeding of the 5000 is the only miracle, apart from theResurrection, which is found in all four Gospels. In John's account(John 6:1-14) itis followed by Jesus describing himself as the "bread of life"(John 6:35). Jesus means that through him we can discovereverything we need for living a full Christian life.

To Ponder

How often do you forget to trust God and, likethe disciples, want to give up because things look unpromising?

Do you ignore the possibility of God's graceacting in your life to change deserted places into fruitful ones?How can you open yourself up to this?

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