Sunday 08 December 2013

Bible Book:

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." (v. 2)

Matthew 3:1-12 Sunday 8 December 2013


John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord (ie Jesus). LikeElijah of old (1 Kings 19:4-9;2Kings 1:8), John trusted God to provide for him in thewilderness. His vocation was to be a prophet. (Jesus considered himto be the greatest.) John called the people of Israel to repent, ieto change the direction and the core values of their lives.

Baptism in the river Jordan was God's chosen way for people to havetheir sinful lives drowned, so that they could emerge to somethingnew, and cleaner: a life of love and justice, as the Jewish lawrequired. 

The inspiration for repentance and baptism came from God'srevelation to John: that the kingdom of heaven was imminent. Thekingdom was to be God's gift to change the world: the whole humanfamily would live as God always intended, under God's authority, ina fellowship of mutually supportive friends, offering praise toGod. 

Failure to repent could mean only one thing when the kingdom came:exclusion and destruction. John was like a doctor talking straightto the long-term alcoholic who has damaged their liver: either youstop drinking or you die. John's words to the Jewish leaders -Pharisees and Sadducees - were particularly harsh. And they couldnot escape the force of his words by appealing to their descentfrom Abraham. The kingdom was to be for converts torighteousness. 

John knew that God was sending someone much more powerful,authoritative, gifted and worthy than himself. Jesus would embodythe kingdom that John could only foresee and prepare people for.Though it would take Jesus' life and death on a cross to releasethe full meaning of the kingdom - the Holy Spirit (the very life ofGod) forgiving, inspiring, guiding and empowering people whofollowed Jesus in faith and hope. Their hearts would overflow withlove for God and for one another. 

Divine generosity, indeed! But Jesus' future baptism was also to bewith fire (verse 11). Like John's baptism, it would requirerepentance - without which, death and destruction. 

To Ponder

  • The Advent season challenges us to confess sins and repent.What can best support you in being honest and effectinglong-lasting change in your life?
  • In your experience what are the most creative ways in whichyour local church can be a 'prophetic' community, calling for'repentance' in your neighbourhood or in wider society?
  • How could the sacrament of Baptism become a more significantevent for you and members of your congregation as well as for thosedirectly concerned?
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