Sunday 26 December 2010
- Bible Book:
- Acts
] gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God."(v. 55)
Today is St Stephen's Day and this passage from the Acts of theApostles is the account of his being stoned to death as the firstChristian martyr.
Stephen is one of the seven appointed to serve the new Christiancommunity in Jerusalem by helping in the distribution of food (
In his speech before the Council (
However Acts also records that the witnesses to his stoning laytheir coats at the feet of a young man named Saul (verse 58) who,it is said, "approved of their killing him" (
To Ponder
Stephen dies bearing witness to the death andResurrection of Jesus and his saint's day comes the day after wecelebrate Christ's birth. How important is it to hold together bothChristmas and Easter in our faith?
Saul is a witness to the stoning of Stephen. Howmight this have affected his own future experience of conversionand ministry?
Are there experiences in our own life and faithwhich we have only come to make sense of, and in some sense to bearfruit, many years later? What are they?