Sunday 26 January 2014

Bible Book:

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near" (verse 17)

Matthew 4:12-23 Sunday 26 January 2014


Formerly a protégé and partner of John theBaptist, and sharing the same mission (verse 17 is identical to Matthew 3:2), Jesus now strikes out on his own,opening a new chapter. John's arrest had triggered this move. Jesusrelocated from central Palestine to Galilee in the north; and fromhis Jewish family enclave in Nazareth (in middle Galilee) to set uphis headquarters in Capernaum (on the north-west shore of the Seaof Galilee).

Matthew saw this as hugely significant.Jesus'strategy was a fulfilment of the ancient Scriptures (verses15-16 cite Isaiah 9:1-2). Moreover, Capernaum was alargely Gentile (non-Jewish) environment. What was afoot was forthe whole world - for Gentiles and for Jews. (So, from hisCapernaum base, Jesus travelled to Jewish synagogues throughoutGalilee.).

And the heart of Jesus' mission? Through thewords and actions of Jesus, a spiritual gift of extraordinary gracecompellingly engaged the hearts of people as they went about theireveryday lives. They felt unconditionally invited into life in anew dimension. It was to be grounded on justice and love alone -and would admit of no compromises. It promised incalculablepossibilities for the future. ("The kingdom of heaven has comenear.")

Authentically to respond to Jesus' call meantstepping forward in a new direction. The kingdom was for those whowould surrender control of their lives and commit themselves toJesus' values and to their unpredictable consequences. Such'repentance' must be linked to 'discipleship'. So they must embarkon a steep learning curve, with Jesus as mentor and guide ("Followme" (v. 19)).

In practice, as the four Capernaum-basedfishermen found, this could mean breaking free of the culture offamily and daily work in order to share in Jesus' mission. Thoughtheir new lives would utilise their skills and experience - in newways ("I will make you fish for people" (v. 19)).

To Ponder

  • In your experience, are there tensions between the claims ofChristian discipleship and the demands of family life? If so, howare they best resolved?
  • From your point of view, how do you strike a balance betweenneeding a congregation that is familiar, reliable and free ofsurprises and sharing in a congregation which constantly invitesexploration of new forms of worship and mission?
  • Who or what best supports you when, as a Christian, you feelobliged to meet people with whom you do not feel at ease, or toundertake responsibilities which may take you outside your comfortzone?

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