Thursday 03 June 2010

Bible Book:

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (v.19-20)

Matthew 28:16-20 Thursday 3 June 2010


Matthew's Gospel begins and ends with the worship of Jesus. Atthe beginning of the story, the Magi (wise men) (Matthew 2:1-12) come to worship the infantJesus; at the end, Christ's time on earth ends with the disciplesworshipping their Lord on a mountainside.

As the disciples worship Jesus they receive from him what is oftencalled 'The Great Commission'. They are to leave the security ofChrist's earthly company and share the good news about himeverywhere they go. As they have been Christ's apprentices so theyare to train other Christ-apprentices as they travel.

In Matthew's congregations baptisms were in the name of the Fatherand of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. This is the mark of entryinto the company of Christ's apprentices. In baptism a Christian isnot only immersed in the water but is immersed in the love of theTrinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

To Ponder

Why do you think some folk find it easier tovalue Jesus as a great teacher than they do to worship him?

To what extent are there good and poor motivesfor wanting to "make disciples of all nations"? What would you saythey are?

David Livingstone, a Victorian scientist,explorer and missionary, wrote in his journal, "Felt much turmoilof spirit at the prospect of all my efforts for the welfare of thisgreat region being knocked on the head by my attackers tomorrow;but I read in my Testament, 'I am with you always'. I took these asthe words of a man of the strictest honour and went out and tookobservations!" How do Jesus' words "I am with you always" help youin your daily life?

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