Thursday 04 February 2010

Bible Book:
1 Kings

"When David's time to die drew near, he charged his son Solomon, saying: 'I am about to go the way of all earth. Be strong, be courageous, and keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his ordinances, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, so that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn.'" (v.1-3)

1 Kings 2:1-12 Thursday 4 February 2010


This passage began the record of Solomon's kingship over Israel,after his father David has abdicated in his favour. There has beenin-fighting over the succession and Solomon, son of Bathsheba, hadbeen the tenth in line. Just before this passage, the eldestremaining brother Adonijah (Amnon and Absalom having been killed)made his own claim, but he was out-manoeuvred by Zadok the chiefpriest and Nathan the prophet, who with Bathsheba (Solomon'smother) influenced King David to anoint Solomon.

Following this passage and after more sexual intrigue, Solomonwould find a way to order his half-brother's execution (verses13-24). Very quickly the new king eliminated Adonijah and hissupporters as a political threat (verses 25-46).

From this passage, it was to be clear that the root of power for aking lay in following God's law. Although seeming sometimes to behonoured only in the breach, the law of Moses and statutes ofYahweh (another name for God) were to be the source of both powerand authority. Thus the books of 1 and 2 Kings are not simply anadventure story about kings good and bad, but the story of God'sprogress in human history. From the kingship of Solomon and hissuccessors there will follow what seems like a downward slide todisaster and foreign invasion, but God's promise remained.

In this final advice to his son, David made him promise to settleold scores. Not for David the prospect of deathbed reconciliationor forgiveness. The irony of such worldly politics immediatelyafter the lofty injunctions to follow the statutes of God shouldnot be lost on us: even at our best (let alone our worst) the goldthread of grace within us will be mixed with all manner of angry,condemning thoughts. If God worked with David, God will also workwith us, whatever we have to give.

To Ponder

What final advice would you want to give tosomeone you love?

What advice have you been given by someone closeto death?

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