Thursday 06 September 2007

Bible Book:
2 Chronicles

"When the Lord saw that they humbled themselves, the word of the Lord came to Shemaiah, saying: 'They have humbled themselves; I will not destroy them, but I will grant them some deliverance...'". (v. 7)

2 Chronicles 12: 1-12 Thursday 6 September 2007


The anonymous writer of 1 and 2 Chronicles, usually known as theChronicler, presents a religious view of the history of his people,judging Israel's rulers by how he saw them measuring up to thestandards set by God. Thus we do not read Chronicles ashistorically accurate documents, but for their spiritual insights.Written probably around 300 BC, today's passage describes incidentsduring the time of King Rehoboam, who reigned 600 yearsbefore. 

Verse 1 sets the scene for the story, in telling how King Rehoboamabandoned the law of the Lord. Sure enough the Egyptian armiesinvade, and threaten Jerusalem itself. Shemaiah the prophet putsforward the religious viewpoint, that this disaster is the resultof God's displeasure with Rehoboam. 

The role of a court prophet could be dangerous, but Rehoboam andhis government heed Shemaiah's warning, and recognise what theyhave done. God is touched by their humility, and the nation is notdestroyed. The king of Egypt is appeased by being allowed to lootthe Temple and the royal palace, but the story has a happyending. 

The Chronicler's message is clear - turn away from God at yourperil!

To Ponder

The role of the prophet was to read the signs ofthe times in terms of the action of God. How does that help us tounderstand the world in which we live now?

We are asked to put God's ways before our ownways. Does being humble before God diminish our value as humanbeings?

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