Thursday 19 November 2015

Bible Book:

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” (v. 8)

Ephesians 2:1-10 Thursday 19 November 2015

Psalm: Psalm 129


The conflict between good and evil, which is well represented inmodern fiction and film, features in the verses that begin thischapter. Evil is personified in "the ruler of the power of the air"(v. 1), whose influence on human life is destructive. The writertakes a dim view of such a way of life, but lest anyone shouldthink that it is other people and not themselves who are in such astate, in verse 3 it says this refers this to "all of us". Again (link to yesterday's notes) there is fluctuation between"you" and "we", which in one sense affirms the universality of thesinful state, but might mean that the author is writing from aJewish background to Gentiles, or as an established Christian tonew believers.

Having set out humanity's universal plight, in verse 4 thewriter goes on to offer the way out of it. As by the power of GodJesus Christ was raised from death and exalted to heavenly power,so God's love and mercy in Christ can bring us to life from thedeath of sin. Twice (in verses 5 and 8) the same phrase is used,emphasising that salvation comes by the grace of God. Verse 8contains the best known words in Ephesians: "For by grace you havebeen saved, through faith". This free gift of God cannot be earned,but is to be accepted in faith. Whilst works (ie doing good deeds)cannot earn God's love, this does not mean that they are to beavoided. If, through Christ, we are rescued from the death of sin,doing good is God's chosen way of life for us (verse 10).

The words of verse 10 must be contrasted with those of verse 1of this chapter. That speaks of the death which results fromfollowing a sinful way of life, whereas the latter verse offers aChristlike way of life, which from the beginning has been thepurpose of God for all.

To Ponder

  • What would you say to someone who says that living a good lifeand helping other people is the essence of true religion?
  • How do you define 'salvation'?
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