Thursday 22 May 2014

Bible Book:

“But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (v. 33)

Matthew 6:19-34 Thursday 22 May 2014


This passage is found within the section of Matthew's Gospel onthe Sermon on the Mount, and it is within this context that itsmeaning is shaped. In a world when many face a daily struggle forexistence, the exhortations not to worry about food and clothes mayseem rather naive and idealistic or even offensive. Yet the word"worry" (v. 25) in this context does not relate to the real concernfor survival, but rather the kind of anxiety that can bedebilitating and run contrary to a trust in God. The exhortationnot to worry about our life cannot be interpreted without referenceto the concluding saying of verse 33: "But strive first for thekingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will begiven to you as well". Instead of focussing time andattention on acquiring things or allowing such concerns to beall-consuming, the hearers are to devote their energy to thekingdom of God.

The reader is challenged to look at their life and recognisethose anxieties that can distract and overwhelm and that havelittle to do with the kingdom of God. Our true priorities arerevealed by how we use our time and by where our energy goes. Somuch needless energy is spent in attempts to quell fears for thefuture.

Instead, a greater faith and trust in God is urged. The passagereminds us how valuable each person is to God. If God lavishes suchcare on the birds and the lilies and the grass, then how much moreis give to humanity.  

To Ponder

  • What anxieties distort your relationship with God?
  • If you look at where your energies are focused, what does ittell you about your priorities at the moment?
  • What helps you to have confidence and trust in God'spromises?
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