Tuesday 13 September 2016

Bible Book:

“Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to advice.” (v. 15)

Proverbs 12:10-22 Tuesday 13 September 2016

Psalm: Psalm 4



How often have you looked at the book of Proverbs and howhelpful have you found it? Since the book of Proverbs is a veryparticular type of literature, here are a few suggestions about howto approach reading this book today.

In her book, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song ofSongs, Ellen Davis writes, "The proverbs are spiritual guidesfor ordinary people, on an ordinary day, when water does not pourforth from rocks and angels do not come for lunch". If there aretimes this week when Proverbs does not feel very 'spiritual' andwhere the advice given seems a little obvious, you may find ithelpful to reflect on the place of down to earth advice in a lifeof discipleship. Included in the word of God is advice for ordinarydays - what does this tells us about how God values theordinary?

Davis also reminds us that Proverbs were written at a time whenScripture was heard rather than read since most people wereilliterate. They were meant to be pondered individually, not readas a list. Proverbs, then, perhaps more than any other book,invites us to read slowly and ask which verse particularly speaksto us. And then to ponder that verse throughout the day.

Our proverbs for today commend both patient hard work andcareful speech. Neither are particularly exciting, perhaps they donot even seem that relevant to discipleship, but they are part ofthe stuff of life.

To Ponder

  • How do you respond to the idea of the word of God for ordinarydays?
  • Is there a particular proverb from today's passage which youcan take with you to ponder during the rest of the day? What is it?And why do you think it jumps out at you?

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