Tuesday 23 April 2013

Bible Book:

Daniel 7:1-28 Tuesday 23 April 2013


Dreams and visions are difficult to make sense of, especially ifyou don't want to fall into the trap of assuming that what theyrecount are fixed and inescapable facts. The Bible is full ofextraordinarily colourful sections, but they are not meant to beread in the same way as other parts of Scripture.

For example, this passage says that the "Ancient One" - anoften-repeated phrase for God - had hair like white wool (verse 9).Not actually wool for hair - that would be silly - and the word'like' is usually the giveaway. The writers use words to try todescribe the indescribable.

As Daniel describes his vision he comes to a passage about "onelike a human being" who came out of heaven to represent God onearth. To the Jewish nation, severely threatened by empires, theimage was of great significance: here was proof that God had abetter plan than watching people get swept away by disaster orenemies.

Later in the New Testament (Mark 13:26), Jesusadopted the phrase "Son of Man" for himself and said there would bea moment when God would intervene to end human suffering. In manyversions of the Bible "one like a human being" is translated "onelike a Son of man" so Christians have traditionally taken theDaniel reference to be about Jesus as well.

Rather than being "like a lion", like a bear", "like a leopard",or incomparably horrible, the King who comes from heaven is humanbut with authority to rule for God. The "one like a human beingcoming with the clouds of heaven" will govern all peoples, nations,and languages with the Most High's power.

For Jewish readers there was the consolation that, whateverhappened in human history, God had a plan and it's the sametoday.

What is significant is that God and the one 'like a human being"are bound up together with humanity -- God did not abandon thefaithful community in Jerusalem and the hope of intervention onearth was fulfilled in Jesus.

To Ponder

  • How do you picture God?
  • If a non-Christian asked you to describe God, what you wouldsay? Do you have a 'God is like ...' phrase that helps you explainit?
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