Tuesday 24 April 2018

Bible Book:

“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” (v. 28)

Romans 8:26-39 Tuesday 24 April 2018

Psalm: Psalm 46


The pace quickens as Paul warms to his many-facetted theme of life in the Spirit. Praying comes alive, rescued from deadness, isolation and selfishness, as the Spirit intercedes for us, and we are numbered with the saints. Suddenly, out of another compartment of Paul’s rich theological mind, predestination makes an appearance, a very problematic theme for Methodists with their emphasis on the possibility of salvation for all. With Paul, we often have that sometimes-confusing plethora of ideas which so characterises his thinking.

The grand climax of this glorious chapter starts at verse 31. Paul makes an effort to draw his many thoughts together. First, he proclaims the wonderful truth that God is on our side, as demonstrated by the gift of Christ crucified. If we are in God’s team (so to speak, although family is a better image), what chance has the opposition?

Verses 35 to 39, perhaps leaving out the slightly distracting quotation at verse 36, form one of the greatest poetic crescendos in all of Scripture. What finer words could be left echoing round a church or chapel after a funeral service? Add Psalm 46 with its tinge of good old-fashioned fear of the Lord, and we have a fine sense of the sheer wonder and glory of being the people of God.

To Ponder

  • Read John Wesley’s wonderful testimony in his hymn Now I found the ground within (Singing the Faith 561). Does any of his experience chime with yours? If so, how?
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