Tuesday 30 June 2015

Bible Book:

and her salvation blazes like a burning torch.” (v. 1) (NLT)

Isaiah 62:1-12 Tuesday 30 June 2015

Psalm: Psalm 35:9-18


The editors of the New Living Translation call this passage"Isaiah prays for Jerusalem". John Wesley titles it "A prayer ofthe watchmen for the Church in confidence of God's gracious designsand promises to it". There is something about prayers born out oflove and a desire of restoration - whether that is us praying for acountry, or praying for the Church or for a special person.

Imagine the ruins of a old city or castle. Build up an image ofthe walls being complete, roof intact and the rooms furnished.Imagine the sounds and smells, the bustle of people. Now imaginehow you would feel if you knew that place, if you were one of thepeople living among those walls; now look at the ruins.

For those in Isaiah's time this was their story. They had livedor had heard tales from those who have lived there. Now there wasnothing. This is where Isaiah exists, living with a memory andlooking at ruins.

Now reread the passage.

Isaiah builds an amazing picture of a restored Jerusalem, andends with the promise of a saviour, a final protector so therestoration will remain forever. It is a promise of hope. When thesaviour comes it isn't as the builder, the job was already done.The saviour has a different role.

When Jesus came people looked to him as a rebuilder, someone whowould physically restore Jerusalem but that job had already beendone. They looked to him as someone to free them from Roman rule,to help them become self-governing again. But that wasn't his role.His task was the restoration of the people spiritually, and fromthat other stuff comes.

God looked at humanity, remembered what it was and now looked atthe ruins. God set about rebuilding humanity, restoring the peopleand sweeping clean the weeds and webs. That is what Jesus did.

To Ponder

  • What feelings are generated by the words of the deserted anddesolate? How does the promise of leaving these feelings behindhelp you understand the gospel?
  • Have you got anyone in your life that you pray for like Isaiahprays in this chapter? Use the time to pray for them now.
  • Many prayers come out of desperation or a need for help. Whenyou pray like this to what extent do you ask only for help or doyou vocalise the restoration like Isaiah has?
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