Tuesday 31 October 2017

Bible Book:

“By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place that he was to receive as an inheritance; and he set out, not knowing where he was going.” (v. 8)

Hebrews 11:8-19 Tuesday 31 October 2017

Psalm: Psalm 113


Faith is all about challenges and here we read of the decisionsAbraham had to make when he believed that God was calling andleading him (Genesis 12). He was an old man by this time,yet God was pushing him forward to new adventures. He must havetaken some time to think about it. Age must have brought wisdomwith it.

Abraham could have stayed at home, safe and sheltered, lawfuland loved. Why not? Many others were doing the same - keeping theirheads down and their noses clean. Why didn't he do that? Surely Godwould still have loved him, even if he'd said, 'I'm not moving atmy age. Send someone younger. Why should I want to be known as thefather of all nations? I haven't had much luck in that departmentso far, have I?'

What thoughts went through his head? 'How do I tell the wife?What will the neighbours think? Maybe I'm imaging the whole thing?Surely God wouldn't choose someone as old as me? It's my pride,that's what it is. That's what's putting these strange ideas in myhead. I'm not destined to be famous, just imagining that I mightbe.'

But he knew, deep within himself, that it was God and he knewthat it was right for him to go. So he hitched up his faith, packedup his bags, gathered the family and left his comfort zone. Wherehe would end up, he had no idea, but he did believe that God knewand that was enough for him.

And that was what justified him in God's eyes - not his goodbehaviour, not his obedience to the law, not the recommendations ofhis neighbours, not the faithfulness of his wife. It was Abraham'sfaith that God saw was good. Very good, and it put him right in thesight of God.

It's faith that matters most. Anyone can obey a set of rules andregulations, but setting out on a journey of faith is a differentmatter altogether.

To Ponder

  • Have you ever felt that God was urging you to make a certaindecision? How did you react and what happened?
  • It appears that there is no age limit for those who are calledto adventures of faith. Whatever ageyouare, how do you feel aboutthat?
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