Wednesday 08 July 2015

Bible Book:

Jerusalem shall become a heap of ruins, and the mountain of the house a wooded height.” (v. 12)

Micah 3:5-12 Wednesday 8 July 2015

Psalm: Psalm 37:30-40


Truth can sometimes be very difficult to speak, and even moredifficult to hear. The words of the prophet Micah certainly do notmake easy reading and would have had a disturbing impact on thosewho first encountered them. But however uncomfortable, it was amessage that needed to be shared. Micah was speaking at a crucialtime in the history of God's people; on the surface things seemedfine - Jerusalem was a prestigious city and at its heart was thetemple of Zion; a symbol of God's rule and presence. There wereplenty of people around who were willing to assure the populationthat all was well.

But in reality, things were far from well. Micah foresaw a timewhen the holy temple would be nothing but a ploughed field andJerusalem reduced to rubble. It was not long before his chillingvision became a reality; the nation was overrun by enemy armies andits people taken into exile.

Some might argue that this was all an inevitable consequence ofthe political instability that prevailed at the time, but Micahtakes an altogether different view. His vision is of a nation thatdepends upon God for its wellbeing; a God who places justice at thevery centre of their life and identity. And he recognises thatthese principles of justice have been abandoned in almost everyaspect of society. His oracles describe corruption, oppression ofthe poor, abuse of the vulnerable and a systemic culture ofself-interest and greed.

Yet his greatest criticism is often reserved for those whoremain silent in the face of such realities; not least those whohold religious office and responsibility (verses 9-12). He condemnsprophets who are too willing to simply say the things that thewealthy and influential want to hear, and priests who provide theirservices only to those who can offer financial reward.

Micah is clear that a nation where injustice is rife, and whosespiritual leaders have become complicit in its escalation, has noviable future. Even though it can be costly, he invites us toacknowledge injustice and work to address it. His predictions feelharsh and difficult, but history offers a sobering account of theiraccuracy.


To Ponder

  • What might Micah say about our own nation and world today?
  • What should God's people refuse to be silent about today?


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