Wednesday 09 November 2011

Bible Book:

"The crowd was amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the maimed whole, the lame walking, the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel!" (v. 31)

Matthew 15:29-39 Wednesday 9 November 2011


The Gospels tell at least three stories: firstly, the story ofJesus of Nazareth who the early Church came to know as the Christ;the second is the continuing story of God's dealings with thepeople of Israel; the third is the emergence and early developmentof a discipleship movement that came to be known as theChurch.

The first story can leave the reader in a state of wonder and awe.The second can disturb and confront. The third often leaves thereader with a sense of disbelief - surely nobody, least of all thedisciples, can be that stupid!

Verses 29-31 reveal that Jesus was popular - people are followinghim everywhere. But not only that, they are following with intent!They know that Jesus is capable of the most amazing things. It isJesus who can heal the lame, the maimed, the blind, the mute andmany others. The everyday folk who lived around the Sea of Galileeknew this - that is why they placed their disabled friends andfamily at his feet.

But it was the disciples who were not fully able to comprehend themagnitude of Jesus' power and ability. So when confronted with amass catering job (born out of Jesus' compassion) they aredumbfounded, paralysed and unable to see the potential of Jesus'power. So Jesus does what any good teacher would do - he talks themthrough it: "How many loaves have you?" (v. 34)

In the end, not only was Jesus capable, he was more than capable:"seven baskets full" (v. 37).

It seems the disciples couldn't grasp what everyone else knew -Jesus was capable of anything! It seems that, for the moment, Jesusis willing to overlook their ignorance.

To Ponder

Are you more like the crowds who follow Jesuseverywhere expecting him to do something, or the disciples who,despite experience, render him powerless?

How do you respond to those who say that therecan't be a God, because if there was there wouldn't be so muchsuffering in the world?

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