Wednesday 14 November 2012

Bible Book:

"And he believed the Lord and the Lord reckoned it to him as righteousness." (v. 6)

Genesis 15:1-21 Wednesday 14 November 2012


In today's passage we are given a picture of Abram going througha number of different experiences as he walks with the Lord. Hewonders about inheritance as he has no children, receives thepromise that there will be many (verses 2-6); he sacrifices animalsto the Lord when asked (verses 9-10) and enters into a deep trancewhere he hears about the future (verses 12-16) - 400 years asslaves and aliens in a strange land, after which the fourthgeneration will return to be blessed in a new land. Abram will notlive in this promised land but others of his family will. The Lordalso promises that he will bring judgement on the nation that hasenslaved them and will ensure that Abram's people will have greatpossessions when they return. Abram is seen as someone for whom hisactions have justified his faith in God. He is leading a life thatis pleasing to God.

What I want to know is how did he feel after being told allthese things? Did his behaviour change? Did he feel let down afterhearing that he would not live in the promised land and that therewould be centuriesof oppression to face? And how to balance thatwith the promise of as many descendants as stars in the sky?

What we do know is that Abram was acknowledged by the Lord, as a'righteous person' (verse 6), someone who lived according to theways of the Lord, trusting in the promises he had heard and actingon them. He's one of the good guys.

To Ponder

  • If you were Abram how would you respond to theserevelations?
  • In today's world we see many countries struggling for freedomand an end to oppression, but at a cost of many lives. Has thisstory anything to teach us about ways to live through such times?If so, what?
  •  How would you describe a 'righteous person'? 
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