Wednesday 21 December 2011

Bible Book:

"a star shall come out of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel" (v. 17)

Numbers 24:15b-19 Wednesday 21 December 2011


Balaam is a strange figure, whose equally strange story is toldin this chapter of Numbers and the two that precede it. He is anon-Israelite diviner - a prophet/magician - asked by King Balak tocurse Israel. God tells him not to go, and Balaam obeys. But whenBalak's messengers come again, God tells Balaam he can go (22:12-21). In the next verse, however, we aretold God is angry that Balaam is going (22:22), and Balaam's donkey sees an angel of theLord standing the way with a sword, which Balaam cannot see. AfterBalaam strikes the donkey for not going on, and then strikes itagain, and again, the donkey is given the power of speech tocomplain at its treatment and Balaam is finally given the abilityto see the angel (vv. 23-31). Balaam then goes with Balak, withGod's approval.

When Balak asks Balaam to curse Israel, Balaam blesses Israelinstead (23:11), until Balak just wishes he would keepquiet (23:25), and he hits Balaam when he keeps onsaying what God has told him to say (24:10). The words in today's passage are whatBalaam says after Balak has told him to go away. He claims to haveknowledge of God and to have beheld the Almighty, and foretellsthat a star and a sceptre shall come from Israel, which will crushthe neighbouring peoples and allow Israel to triumph overthem.

We are reading this story in Advent because the "star from Jacob"has been interpreted by Christians as a prophecy about the Messiah,the one who would come to save Israel. In this prophecy, it isstriking that the Messiah is pictured as a leader who would conquerIsrael's enemies. Some Jews in Jesus' time were expecting this kindof Messiah, and for that reason did not think Jesus could be theone they were expecting.

To Ponder

What do you make of God choosing the unlikelyfigure of Balaam to prophesy to Balak?

How does the baby Jesus, born in a stable andlaid in an animal trough, fit with this prophecy of theMessiah?

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