Wednesday 29 July 2009

Bible Book:

"When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, the skin of his face was shining, and they were afraid to come near him. But Moses called to them; and Aaron and all the leaders of the congregation returned to him, and Moses spoke with them." (v.30-31)

Exodus 34:29-35 Wednesday 29 July 2009


In this passage, Moses returns to the Israelites to give themGod's teaching. After many years of wandering in the desert,following the exodus from Egypt, they had broken the Covenant withGod. But Moses had negotiated a renewal of the Covenant and thisnew teaching was God's nurture of the community in preparation forbringing it into the 'Promised Land'.

More significant than any particular rule that Moses brought to theIsraelites from God was the fact that he physically carried God'sglory to the heart of their lives. This was shown in the passage byhis "shining" face, veiled either to protect the glory or ease thepeople's fear. The word for 'shine' is used in other places to mean'horns', (leading to Michelangelo'sstatue of Moses with horns) but nowhere else in HebrewScripture are the words 'shine' and 'veil' used in the way they arehere.

The glory of God was entirely 'other' - a terrifying and dangerousthing. It was also the source of God's goodness and love, and thething which would make the Israelites a distinctive community. Likefire, God's glory was the source of life. And also like fire, God'sglory might burn and destroy.

Given the dangers of dealing with God's glory, (God knew even Mosescould only stand to see it under cover and from behind, asin Exodus33:22), how it could come to the people was a problem.

Today's passage comes midway between two others concerning God'sglory and its gift to the community of the faithful, which togetherbridge the problem of how to mitigate its awesome power. In Exodus 24:15-18,God's glory is at the mountain. Here in chapter 34, the glory isbrought by Moses to the people. It is frightening and disturbsthem, but he carries it. By Exodus 40:34-38,the glory is housed in the tabernacle (the portable temple) at theheart of the people.

The tabernacle and holy things within will become the source oftheir strength and identity, but also a place of great danger. Theywill always remember that the glory of God is among, and for them,but does not come from them.

To Ponder

What does God's 'glory' mean to you?

Are there times when a great truth at firstfrightens a community? What examples can you think of?

What would you ask Moses about his time withGod?

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