Sunday 13 March, 2022


2nd Sunday of Lent

Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are suggested for more than one reading

Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18

Amazing grace – how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! (StF 440)
A safe stronghold our God is still (StF 623)
Sing praise to God who reigns above (StF 117)
The God of Abraham praise (StF 91)
When we are living, we are in the Lord (StF 485)
*Who would true valour see, let him come hither (StF 486)
You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace (StF 487)

Psalm 27

Hymns echoing the psalmist’s theme

Brother, sister, let me serve you (StF 611)
Stupendous height of heavenly love (StF 512)
The Spirit lives to set us free, walk, walk in the light (StF 397)
*Who would true valour see, let him come hither (StF 486)

Philippians 3: 17-4:1

All for Jesus – all for Jesus (StF 341)
Called by Christ to be disciples (StF 660)
Community of Christ (StF 681)
Glorious things of thee are spoken (StF 748)
My soul finds rest in God alone (StF 633)
We trust the mighty love of God that wraps us round (StF 742)
You call us out to praise you (website only)

Luke 13: 31-35

Hark, my soul! It is the Lord (StF 426)
From heaven you came, helpless babe (StF 272)
Jesus – the name high over all (StF 357)
Lift high the Cross, the love of Christ proclaim (StF 276)
Love inspired the anger (StF 253)
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! (StF 88)
Pray for the Church, afflicted and oppressed (StF 711)
We gladly celebrate and praise (StF 120)
Would you walk by on the other side? (StF 257)

or Luke 9: 28-36 (37-43a)

Christ triumphant, ever reigning (StF 319)
God to enfold you (StF 648)
Jesus Christ – Perfect Love (StF 325)
Jesus on the mountain peak (StF 259)
Jesus shall take the highest honour (StF 356)
Swiftly pass the clouds of glory (StF 260)
Transfigured Christ, none comprehends (StF 261)
The splendour of the King (StF 15)

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