A prayer for God's light in the darkness

Creator God, you separated light and darkness giving us the precious gifts of day and night. You used the stars of the sky to illustrate your covenant promises. You sent messengers to the shepherds as they kept watch by night. Speak to us through the darkness.

Christ Jesus, you often prayed under the cover of darkness, searching for guidance about the next steps in your journey. In Gethsemane we sense you wrestling with questions yet affirming your commitment to God’s will. From the hidden darkness of the tomb came resurrection and new life. Intercede with us in the darkness.

Holy Spirit, you brooded over the waters of the deep, calling forth rich treasures where we saw only a void. Elizabeth was filled with your presence as her baby leapt for joy in the darkness of the womb. In the secret depths of sleep, you spoke to your servants through dreams and visions. Show us what is hidden in the darkness. Amen.

Julie Coates, Deputy Chair, Sheffield District

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