Friday 20 November 2015

Bible Book:

“For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us.” (v. 14)

Ephesians 2:11-22 Friday 20 November 2015

Psalm: Psalm 130


When the early Church began to include both Jews and Gentiles,male circumcision became a point of conflict. Should Gentiles haveto submit to circumcision to become true members of the new peopleof God? Paul wrestled with this issue, for there were those whoinsisted that converts should be circumcised. Today's passage fromEphesians argues that Christ has reconciled both groups.

The writer begins by outlining the predicament of the Gentiles(verses 11-12), showing sensitivity to them in the way they aredescribed as "the uncircumcision" but stressing that they weretruly outsiders, separated from God because they were not part ofGod's people of old. But Christ has changed all that. Verses 13-18speak of the work of Christ in reconciling the two groups. Whilstthis is achieved through the cross, the writer speaks of the bloodof Christ rather than his death, and piles up positive phrasesabout the work of Christ. Jesus has broken down the wall ofhostility between Jews and Gentiles. Is this perhaps a reference tothe veil in the temple being torn from top to bottom when Jesusdied on the cross (Matthew 27:51) so that all have access to Godthrough Christ? Such access is emphasised in verse 18.

The sense of unity of all people, a new humanity sharing thepeace that Christ gives is a very attractive picture, which werecognise liturgically as we gather around the Lord's Table today.In verses 19-22 the writer piles up more images to illustrate thatunity, seeing the united believers as part of one household orfamily. Then the thinking moves from family to dwelling place, withfirm foundations in the teaching of the apostles. In 1Corinthians 3:10 Paul speaks of himself as an architect ormaster builder. But whereas he speaks of Christ as the foundationof the metaphorical building that is the Christian faith, in Ephesians 2:20, Christ is described as thecornerstone, which holds the building together. If Christ is thecornerstone, then the building becomes a holy temple, and thewriter echoes 1 Peter 2:5 in speaking of believers as thestructure of that building.

To Ponder

  • If the unity of all people still a work in progress, what arethe implications for daily life, for the Church, andfor the world?
  • Have you ever been an outsider, the subject of discrimination?What did that feel like?
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