
Anglicans and Methodists come together to produce Lent Course

Better Together?, next year's Lent Course produced byYork Courses, has been jointly written by a Methodist Minister andan Anglican Canon. 

The course consists of a booklet, co-authored by the Revd DavidGamble and Canon John Young, and an audio tape or CD. It deals withfamily relationships, relationships within the church,relationships with strangers, broken relationships and ourrelationship with God.

Mr Gamble, Co-ordinating Secretary for Legal and ConstitutionalAffairs for the Methodist Church, said: "York Courses haveestablished themselves over the past few years as a good way forgroups to study important issues together during Lent.  Thematerial is ideal for ecumenical use. "

He continued: "What better way to celebrate the AnglicanMethodist Covenant than to share in producing an ecumenical courseon relationships and how to make them work better!"

Featured on the audio tape/CD are Jane Williams (a theologianmarried to the Archbishop of Canterbury), John Bell of the IonaCommunity,  Nicky Gumbel of Alpha fame and the Abbot ofAmpleforth (who provides the summaries).  The audio tape/CD isintroduced by Dr David Hope, Archbishop of York.