
Guatemala Volcanic Eruption

El Fuego volcano erupted suddenly on 3 June in Guatemala and again on 5 June killing 75 people, leaving 200 missing and over 1.7 million people affected in the surrounding area.

Several villages close to the volcano are engulfed by volcanic ash and mud.

Rescue workers and volunteers have been working hard to find survivors and recover the bodies of those who died from hot gas and molten rock streaming from the volcano. Ash spewed by the eruption has travelled as far as Guatemala City.

We are in contact with the Methodist Church in Guatemala to discern together how the Methodist Church in Britain might best support local relief efforts. We will update these pages with more information soon, but please do stand by our Partner Church in prayer and intercession:

 Heavenly Father,

“I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!” (John 16:33, NRSV)

We lift up the nation of Guatemala and those communities affected by the volcanic eruptions.

We cry out to you, oh God, for your hand to be upon all those who affected in some way by the eruptions.

May your comforting Holy Spirit embrace those who have lost loved ones.

May your healing hand heal those scarred emotionally and those who have sustained injuries.

We dare to ask that not one more life will be lost as a result of the eruptions.

We pray for those many thousands living in shelters. We pray that your strong arm will sustain them, and your generous heart provide for their pressing needs.

We lift up the rescue workers and volunteers before your throne of grace. We pray that you strengthen them and lead them to every survivor by the discerning power of your Holy Spirit. We pray for governmental and non-government relief efforts in Guatemala; that their work is coordinated effectively and efficiently for the benefit of the victims.

We pray that you help the National Evangelical Methodist Church in Guatemala to effectively mobilise resources and volunteers, in coordination with external partners, to support affected communities and as to witness to the love of Christ for the nation. We pray that in these dire, tragic circumstances the love of Christ prevails and gives hope to the hopeless.

In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, we pray. 
