Celebrating 60 years of the United Church of Zambia
28 January 2025
28 January 2025
On 16 January, the United Church of Zambia, one of the Methodist Church in Britain’s African partner churches, celebrated the 60th Anniversary of its’ founding in Mindola, Kitwe in Northern Zambia.
The Revd Richard Andrew, the President Designate of the Methodist Conference, was invited to preach at this special service marking a historic moment.
The Revd Richard Andrew, his wife, Debbie, and the Revd Andrew Ashdown, partnership coordinator for Africa, also visited a number of projects, schools, hospitals and churches throughout Zambia.
The UCZ was formed in 1965 when Methodists played a major part in its founding, along with the London Missionary Society, the Church of Scotland and other Protestant Churches.
Today, UCZ is the largest Protestant denomination in Zambia and its’ ministries include community development, health and education provision, spiritual formation, Christian education, addressing social justice issues and meeting the contemporary challenges facing Church and society.
Richard Andrew said: “It was a real joy to be part of such a vibrant gathering. The UCZ is a close cousin of the Methodist Church in Britain and has a lot to teach us about worship, evangelism and practical justice.”
Richard commented, 'This has been an exhilarating and profound trip and an experience of a Church that is alive and vibrant but which, like us, faces many challenges.
The UCZ is not resource rich compared to the Methodist Church in Britain but there is a boldness and ambition in their plans for the future and a confidence that God can do a lot with a little.
We were blessed by some rain whilst we were there and there is hope that this rainy season will be better than the past two.
"The country has been severely impacted by drought and issues around climate change feature in many conversations. It's particularly important in a country which is reliant upon hydro-electric power and where crop failure has a disproportionate impact on families which already struggle to meet their basic needs. But I came away full of admiration for a Church that is alive in the Spirit and from whom we have so much to learn. God bless Zambia and God bless the UCZ."