
How 3Generate can give ideas to mix up activities

The ever-growing and ecumenical Youth Group on the Isle of Man Methodist District is inspired by attending 3Generate, the children and youth assembly of the Methodist Church.

22 May 2024

“Youth events such as 3Generate are great because it's important to be surrounded by other young Christians and to help each other. As one of the older members of the group, I walk alongside the younger ones and help them grow. It’s good for our faith because we know that there's a space here every second Friday when we can spend time together and grow,” says Kitty, aged 17.

“We can help the younger ones in the group with practical life problems, deepen their faith and work through their life with God, using support and tools,” adds Ailish, 16. “It’s also a lot of fun: I enjoy the people that come and spending time with them. We do different activities, such as ‘deep chatting’ and bowling. It’s a good mix of people who I wouldn't normally see or spend time with but we have become quite close.”

Part of the deep chat is answering questions anonymously and listening to everyone’s thoughts on the matter being discussed on the Isle of Man Methodist District gathering: A question from God and A question to God. Beverages at hand, the young people and the youth leader debate the issues, such as “Why are you not doing more to fight for what you believe?”

Starting with three children and young people in 2019, the group now bring together around fifteen children and young people from year 7 to year 13. The group meets every fortnight and steadily grows thanks to the appeal of 3Generate.


“I was aware of the group led by the Methodist Church so I asked if our small youth group could bundle together and the answer was yes. When we went to 3Generate in October 2023 with no less than 12 members, it was an ecumenical group. It was phenomenal and our young people have said to the others that they have to attend the next event,” remembers Rev Alex Brown, Priest and Pioneer Missioner for the Diocese of Sodor and Man.

3Generate is a huge asset for youth leaders and youth groups as it provides them with ideas and inspiration for activities to implement in their own circuits. The huge array of activities on-site, from well-being to art, passing by a sports centre and a town hall means that everyone, regardless of their age or interest, will find dozens of events to attend and learn from.

“We don't often think about how broad the scope of our youth work can be. Attending events and meeting with the delivery team, and sometimes with people who come from charities, all have helped to inspire the shape of our youth work here. And our young people loved the freedom,” adds Alex.

The Isle of Man youth group has been increasingly more involved at 3Generate, not only as attendees but also as part of the delivery team. One year they were in the Great Outdoors venue, another year they participated in a play and in 2022 and 2023 they led the Health and Wellbeing Centre.

We love planning and delivering sessions. It is such a great group of people. And, as leaders, we get spiritually fed as much as the young people,” concludes Sue Yardy, one of the Youth Work helpers.

We’re back at the NEC in Birmingham from 4 – 6 October. Check out: www.3Generate.org.uk to find out more.

Watch the brand new promo video here: https://vimeo.com/935387565

Have you already signed up to volunteer for this year’s event? It would be great if you can as well as spreading the word to encourage others to join the team. Bring a friend to be on the team and have twice the fun! Take a look at all the opportunities available and sign up here: www.methodist.org.uk/3Genvols