Francis N Souza (1924-2002)
Oil on board
105 x 77 cm
Methodist Modern Art Collection
No. SOU/1962
Image Copyright © Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes. The Methodist Church Registered Charity no. 1132208
Biblical commentary
Luke 23: 44–45 John 19: 25–27
In this expressionistic painting Jesus, in pain, hangs on the cross topped by the INRI sign. John, in grey, is on his right and another figure, probably a woman, perhaps Jesus’s mother Mary, in brown, is on his left. She has four superimposed eyes, two looking at Jesus and two looking out at the viewer. There are faint echoes of the cross (and buildings) in the background. While the figures are well lit, the scene is set in darkness. The sun (or moon) appears in the sky on Jesus’ left. Perhaps this is the solar eclipse suggested in the Bible. It was traditional to portray the sun and moon in crucifixions, to represent the New and Old Testaments.
Commentary based on A Guide to the Methodist Art Collection.