Friday 07 January 2022

Bible Book:

A Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, 'Give me a drink.' (v. 7)

John 4:7-26 Friday 7 January 2022

Psalm 27


There are a number of taboos and areas of vulnerability underlying the conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman. He is a man and she is a woman. This creates a power imbalance, especially in a society where men typically did not speak to women in public (v. 27). The Jews and Samaritans were hostile to each other, stereotyping each other as enemies, building a pattern of prejudice and micro-aggressions. The Samaritan woman is also on her own, away from her community, since she needs to fetch her water in the heat of the day, while Jesus is the leader of his community.

Jesus pays no attention to any of this. Without any hesitation, he begins a conversation with the woman. In asking her for a drink, he acknowledges that he is in need and she is able to help him. Her reply is much more wordy and suggests that she is unsettled and nervous at his approach. She is very aware of the social barriers and the awkward position in which she finds herself.

 As their conversation progresses, Jesus continues to treat the woman with respect, and her replies suggest that she is becoming more relaxed in response. The power dynamic is being rebalanced through Jesus’ careful handling of the process. When they come to the subject of her husbands, she is confident enough to acknowledge Jesus’ statement and move on. This enables the moment of revelation (v. 26), when Jesus tells this unnamed Samaritan woman that he is the Messiah. In the other gospels this moment is given to Peter (Mark 8:29). It is astonishing that Jesus interacts with her in this way, changing her world-view and that of John’s hearers.


To Ponder:

  • If Jesus met you, what would he need to say to put you at your ease?
  • What do you think are the barriers to getting to know people from different backgrounds in your own social context?
  • Does Jesus’ approach to the Samaritan woman offer any ways of overcoming these barriers?


Creator God, you have made us all in your image and likeness to reflect your glory. Help us to recognise and respect your presence in everyone we meet. Amen.


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