Friday 11 March 2011

Bible Book:

"The wedding-guests cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them, can they?" (v. 15)

Matthew 9:14-15 Friday 11 March 2011


As was pointed out earlier in the week, fasting was part of adevout Jew's life. John the Baptist's disciples were perplexed thatJesus and his disciples didn't fast like them or the Pharisees.Jesus points out that there are times and places for differentaspects of spiritual life. That includes a time to laugh and a timeto dance, as well as a time to mourn (see Ecclesiastes 3).

The American writer H L Mencken defined Puritanism as "the hauntingfear that someone, somewhere is having a good time". Too great afocus on the 'thou shalt not' commandments and on people'ssinfulness can lead to condemnation of others and give theimpression that Christianity simply changes 'miserable sinners'into 'miserable saints'. We shouldn't forget the angelicannouncement at Jesus' birth - "I am bringing you good news ofgreat joy" (Luke 2:10).

This life isn't simply a preparation for everlasting life in thehereafter. Jesus made it clear that eternal life begins right now.If we live with a sense of God's presence, we can enjoy a renewedlife of enhanced quality, filled with love, hope and faithfulness.This doesn't make us immune from times of sorrow, of course, buteven the darkest of times can be illumined by the realisation thatnothing "in all creation can separate us from the love of God inChrist Jesus our Lord" (Romans8:39).

A wedding in Jesus' day was a big event in the life of a village.The festivities went on for a week and there would be an openhouse. The image of Jesus as the bridegroom, allows us to compareour relationship with God to the relationship within a marriage oflove, commitment and mutual self-giving. This image may not siteasily with all men, however, especially when we sing about beingheld in the arms of Jesus or cradled to his bosom. We need to findways of expressing a loving and committed relationship with Godthat speak to all people in our society.

To Ponder

How can we "spread scriptural holiness throughthe land" (from the Deed of Union, a founding document ofMethodism) and at the same time show through our lives thatfollowing Jesus is an exciting and enjoyable adventure that leadsto a life lived to the full?

How do you achieve an appropriate balance in yourspiritual life between fun and seriousness, and between celebrationand self-denial?

What images can you think of that speak of awhole-hearted commitment to following Jesus that might appeal tothe masculine spirit?

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