Friday 18 February 2011

Bible Book:

"What will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life?" (v. 36)

Mark 8:24 - 9:1 Friday 18 February 2011


Having spelled out what the future holds for himself (verse31) Jesus now states what will be involved in following him,addressing not only current disciples but potential recruits fromthe crowd. The startling image in verse 34 is of taking up thewooden cross-beam that condemned criminals (non-citizens andslaves) were required to carry to the place of execution under theRoman Empire. It was a symbol of public shame and the certainty ofagonising death. While there were cases of actual crucifixion inthe early Church, here almost certainly it is intended as achallenging metaphor for the hardships involved in following Jesus,spelled out in verses 35-38.

Those hardships are not identified in detail. They may take manyforms, including what we now think of as martyrdom,. But there isalso the need to deny oneself personal gain and be open about one'sallegiance, even in the face of hostility, if one is truly tofollow Jesus' teaching and example. Of course there is a play uponthe word "life", on the one hand staying alive, on the otherpreserving one's true self and integrity.

Verses 8:38 and 9:1 open up a picture of the final judgement atwhich all must answer. Adultery in the everyday sense is notsingled out in verse 38 for particular censure. Rather "adulterous"is used, as often in the Old Testament, to characterise a peoplewho have turned away from the true God to worship false gods (egJeremiah 3:1-19).

Yet verse 9:1 remains a puzzle. There is evidence that manyfirst-generation Christians expected the end of the world in theirown lifetime. Did Jesus also expect it to come soon? Someinterpreters think the reference is to the resurrection of Jesus orto the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, or even to thetransfiguration (Mark 9:2-8).

To Ponder

Are there challenges to self-denial that you areevading at present? What are they? And why are you evadingthem?

Should all Christians expect to be persecuted? Isit a sign of failure if they are do not? Why?

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