Friday 20 May 2011

Bible Book:

"You are my Son; today I have begotten you." (v. 33)

Acts 13:26-33 Friday 20 May 2011


Paul is still in the synagogue in Pisidia (see Acts 13:13-25), having begun a long speechwhich marked a new step in the spread of the gospel (good news ofJesus) throughout the Hellenistic (Greek) world.

After he had given his audience a potted history of Israel leadingto the climax of the story, Paul gives time to the Christ eventitself in a speech known by some biblical scholars to be the'Testimony of the Present'. He points out to them that those inJerusalem did not see what was under their noses.

The way this story is recounted spoke directly to the dominantGreek culture and its love of tragedy, as Paul tells of what waswritten indicating a level of predetermination in a series ofevents leading to tragedy - the death of a Messiah. However, thestory does not end there for the tragedy has turned to celebrationas the same Messiah (also as predicted) has risen from the dead andironically witnessed by those who either had refused or were unableto see in Jerusalem. Paul finishes this part of his speech byquoting the Psalm 2:7: "You are my Son; today I havebegotten you", indicating that the ancient promise in the Davidictradition has indeed been fulfilled.

To Ponder

The element of predetermination suggested heremight lead us to believe that we should all sit at home and watchCoronation Street rather than spreading the gospel. What do youthink?

Would you be able to see what was under your noseif the predicted second coming of Christ happened this weekend? Howwould you know, and how would you prepare in light of thistext?

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