Monday 04 April 2011

Bible Book:

"I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and delight in my people; no more shall the sound of weeping be heard in it, or the cry of distress." (v. 19)

Isaiah 65:17-21 Monday 4 April 2011


The book of Isaiah presents us with a challenging, yet wonderfulpicture of the nature of God: we are continually reminded of a Godwho calls for commitment and obedience but simultaneously makesastonishing promises of love, provision and protection to those whorespond to that call.

Having pronounced judgement on the people for ignoring God, Isaiahproceeds to outline the hope for those who choose to serve God inverse 17. These words are echoed in Revelation where John also hasa vision of the future (Revelation 21) but here Isaiah couples thereference to a new heaven with a wonderful promise that God willforget all the sins of the people and a new era will begin.

What is most striking about this passage is the way in which theprophet describes God's involvement with and devotion to people.This is not a general promise to a nation in exile but a specificdescription of all that God's love will mean to individuals intheir daily lives. It is a promise that extends from the weakest ofinfants to the eldest member of the community. It is a promise ofGod's ongoing provision as we read of a nation that will settlelong enough to build houses and long enough to see the fruit oftheir crops (verse 21). In any context this would be a wonderfulvision of peace and prosperity but to Isaiah's hearers, a nationfaced with slavery and exile, the promise is even greater. A nationof refuges and exploited workers are promised homes and land oftheir own and reminded of the God who longs to supply all of theirneeds. This is a passage which clearly underlines God's desire forrestoration and peace in every generation. Isaiah's condemnation ofthe people is uncompromisingly clear but the protection, love andprovision offered to those who follow is a powerful reminder thatGod understands the challenges each of us face, and longs to meetwith us in those difficult places as we open our lives to God'shelp and guidance.

To Ponder

In which areas of your life do you feel most inneed of God's help?

In what ways have you seen God at work in thedetails of your life?

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