Monday 12 January 2015

Bible Book:

“I have put my spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations.” (v. 1)

Isaiah 42:1-9 Monday 12 January 2015

Psalm: Psalm 150


The opening words of today's passage will be familiar to many asthey are used by the New Testament Gospels to provide a heavenlyaffirmation of Jesus and his ministry at the time of his Baptism byJohn, "You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased" (Mark1:11). However it is likely that they were originally intendedto refer to Cyrus, king of the Medes and Persians, who in themiddle of the 6th century BC was to sweep across the Babylonianempire. He was seen as 'the Lord's anointed' (Isaiah45:1) because his conquests would ultimately enable the exiledJews to return to Jerusalem.

This passage is also familiar as one of four 'servant songs' inIsaiah, (the others being Isaiah49:1-6; 50:3-9; 52:13-53:12), which are commonly regarded asMessianic and therefore describing what the expected saviour of theJewish people would be like. Whilst his characteristics aredescribed in greater detail in the later servant songs, in thispassage we can already get a clear picture that he is God's"chosenone (verse 1), that God's Spirit would be visible within him (verse1), and that he would "bring forth justice" (vv. 1, 3).

His ministry would be to the poor and the marginalised, peoplewho are described as a fragile "bruised reed" or those with solittle hope that it is at risk of being lost like a "dimly burningwick" (v. 3). Not only that but he would go further and become thelight for the people to see by and follow (verse 6-7).

The Jewish exiles must have felt that they would never be ableto return home, that God had forgotten about them and abandonedthem. However these words remind them that their God is not onlythe creator of heaven and earth and all that is in it, but alsoretains a direct personal relationship with people and has "takenyou by the hand and kept you" (v. 6). What has happened in the pasthas happened, but now is the time to move forward in hope to "newthings" (v. 9).

To Ponder

  • Light a candle, or use a mobile phone light in a darkened room,and think of those who feel fragile, vulnerable or lackinghope.
  • Consider current events that are reported in the news today andpray for people who are bringing light to dark situations and forthose who are striving for justice.
  • What can you do to enable "new things" to become a reality inyour community?
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