Tuesday 13 January 2015

Bible Book:

“God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.” (v. 34-35)

Acts 10:34-43 Tuesday 13 January 2015

Psalm: Psalm 76


Today's passage forms a pivotal point not only in the Acts ofthe Apostles, but of the mission of the Church. It takes places atthe home of Cornelius, a centurion based in Caesarea, the base forthe Roman administration of Judea. He'd had a dream in which he wasencouraged to send for Peter who was in Joppa. Whilst Cornelius'men were on their way to ask Peter to come to Caesarea, Peterhimself had a strange dream which made him realise that the gospelmessage he had been given was meant not only for the Jews but forall people in the world. This was a profoundly important newdevelopment and the first manifestation of it would be that Peteraccepted the invitation to visit the Roman centurion, a Gentile (anon Jew), "without objection" (Acts10:29).

As Peter speaks to the assembled household he makes clear hisrevolutionary new idea, that the God of Israel is also the God foranyone and everyone in every nation (verse 35). This means thatJesus Christ is "Lord of all" (v. 36). It is therefore importantthat all people hear the story of Jesus and have a chance torespond. Peter summarises this in a few simple sentences, startingwith Jesus' Baptism and empowerment through the Holy Spirit andending with his resurrection and command that his disciples should"preach to the people" (v. 42). His summary is effectively acompressed version of Luke's Gospel, which is not surprising as thesame author is thought to have also written Acts of theApostles.

Peter's theology appears to be different to Paul's, in thatPeter suggests that God will accept people if they do what is rightand acceptable. This contrasts with Paul's view that it is throughfaith that people are brought in to a relationship with God (Romans11:20). This, however, may be a sign of the developing thinkingof the early Church.

To Ponder

  • Read this passage again as if you'd never heard the story ofJesus before. What would your reaction be on hearing this messagefor the first time?
  • Peter took a big step outside his comfort zone in preaching toCornelius' household. Are there steps you could take to do thingsyou might currently be anxious about? What might they be?
  • Pray for all those who respond to God's call to share thegospel message with people who have never heard it before.


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