Monday 14 June 2021

Bible Book:

'Let these things sink into your ears. The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into human hands.' (v. 44)

Luke 9:44-50 Monday 14 June 2021

Psalm 143:1-8


Earlier in this chapter (beginning at 9:31 ) in Luke's Gospel we find the story of the Transfiguration. It was a staggering experience for Peter, James and John. They saw Jesus appearing in dazzlingly white clothes and accompanied by two men, identified as the prophets of the Old Testament, Moses and Elijah. It was an event like Jesus’ baptism when the voice of God had been heard affirming Jesus as his son. It was an encounter with glory.

So, in a way the disciples can be forgiven for not understanding the nature of the kingdom that Jesus’ ministry was inaugurating. Throughout the gospel record, in Luke and the other gospels, Jesus repeatedly tries to show his disciples that he will have to suffer and that for his followers, life will not be easy. In this passage we have the bald statement, “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into human hands.” (Luke 9:44)

It is clear from the squabbling among the disciples that they had in mind a coming kingdom very much like the kingdoms of this world and they wanted to secure their place in the pecking order ahead of time. Jesus places a child (9:47) in their midst – the least of the least in Jewish culture – and challenges his disciples to overturn their ideas of superiority and importance completely.

Interestingly, the disciples are also challenged to learn that people who are not of their group can equally be part of carrying God’s kingdom forward. These were tough lessons for the disciples to learn and their misunderstanding of Jesus and his ministry was to continue right up to the crucifixion.

To Ponder:

  • The disciples were flawed human beings and slow to learn and church members in our own time are similarly flawed. How does your church/faith community acknowledge and deal with power struggles within the congregation?
  • Are you able to think of examples in your faith group where people have been unwilling to heed the ideas of newcomers or people considered outsiders?


Heavenly Father, we pray for peace within our church communities but ask for your help so that this will not be a complacent, easy or cruel peace. Amen.


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