Monday 28 December 2015

Bible Book:

Jeremiah 31:15-17 Monday 28 December 2015

Psalm: Psalm 124


Today's passage, in particular verse 15 above, is used byMatthew's Gospel in the telling of the nativity story (Matthew 2:17-18). So these verses resonate withus at this time of year. In their original context they are notlooking for fulfilment, thankfully, in the account of Herod'skilling of the infants. Nevertheless, we are reminded that there ismuch sorrow in the telling of our, or perhapsespecially, the Jewish, religion.

The message must be that, as inheritors of these stories andtraditions, we should not be adding to the suffering and evenslaughter, of children and adults. Of course people and culturescalling themselves 'Christian' have been responsible for the deathof Rachel's children - British and European Jews, as well as Jewsin Palestine during the Crusades - how could that be the legacy ofthe story of Jesus, one of the rescued children of Rachel? Yet itis.

Suffering and death in Scripture should be driving us to peace,mercy and reconciliation - the ultimate aim of our faith - not morewar. The cause of peace and opposition to nuclear weapons is now part of mainstreampolitical debate. However, we have learnt in recent years ofAmerican weapons being inscribed with Bible verses - how many ofRachel's children have they killed?

To Ponder

  • How do you use Scripture as a resource for peace?
  • What occurs to you when you hear of 'Rachel weeping' in thenativity story? 
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