Monday 31 July 2017

Bible Book:

John 9:24-41 Monday 31 July 2017

Psalm: Psalm 57


The story about the giving of vision to the man born blind isalso a story about the Pharisees persistent refusal to 'see' whoJesus is. These verses (and the onesthat precede them) could be dramatised as a comedy that playsaround with the themes of light and sight; themes that have, sofar, run through John's Gospel.

The Pharisees utilise all their skills in verbal argument(playing, if interpreted in this way, to the caricature of wilylawyers) as they try to categorise publicly the healing of theblind man in any way they can in order to avoid it being understoodas an act of God. For to understand it as such is almostunthinkable, leading, as it would, to conclusions about Jesus'relationship with God that deeply challenge their religiousunderstanding. Such is their focus on proving their point thattheir behaviour is rather unpleasant. They revile the man bornblind (verse 28) and, when all their arguments and attempts todiscredit him fail, they resort to driving him out physically.

Wrapped up in their own thoughts, ideas and beliefs, thePharisees do not pause to consider what they might learn or whetherthere is something new to see in these events. They appearuninterested (or perhaps are fearful of) anything that is differentfrom or challenges their understanding. In persistently trying (andfailing) to explain the miracle within their own framework, theystubbornly 'turn a blind eye' to both God's revelation and God'sgrace. The irony is that it is the newly spiritually sighted, theman born blind, who has better spiritual perception than those withall the knowledge and experience. He has literally never set eyeson Jesus before and yet he can truly see who Jesus is.

In defending their position and trying to discredit a differentexperience, in refusing to acknowledge the limitations of their ownperception and attempting to find fault in others, the Phariseesprovide a cautionary tale about how easy it is to see flaws in theexperiences, understanding and character of others but howdifficult it is to see our own. Sometimes this is deliberately sobecause facing our own flaws, limitations and brokenness can bedifficult, risky and painful. Yet in refusing to see who Jesus is,the Pharisees also failed to notice their own need of grace andthus were not open to receive it.

To Ponder

  • On reflection, when might have been the times that you haveintentionally persisted in refusing to acknowledge an insight beingoffered to you (even if subconsciously)? What were you fearfulof?
  • How do you feel when your understanding of God ischallenged?
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