Saturday 18 February 2012

Bible Book:
1 Timothy

"As for those who in the present age are rich, command them not to be haughty, or to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. They are to be good, to be rich in good deeds, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundaton for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life." (vv. 17-20)

1 Timothy 6:6-21 Saturday 18 February 2012


As this letter draws to a conclusion, Timothy is givenencouragement to continue fighting the good fight, and a reminderthat Christians look not just to the comforts of the present agebut also to the blessings of the age to come.

Being content with what you have is not easy if you have nothing,but as a general rule of life it is a good one. Discontentment canlead to resentment and envy which, in turn, can lead to dis-easeand self-pity. When the Greek philosopher Epicurus was asked aboutthe secret of happiness he answered: "Add not to a man'spossessions but take away from his desires."

Christianity has never advocated poverty. There is no virtue inalways struggling to make ends meet, but it is a simple fact thatthere is no power in 'things' to bring happiness into a person'slife. Happiness comes with our relationships - with God and withothers.

Riches and possessions, even modest ones, are not in themselvesgood or bad, but the love and desire for them can lead to evil(verse 10). Money can do much good in the world because it cananswer the cry for help from those in need, and as such bringsgreat responsibility. It is always good to hear stories of thewealthy giving away vast sums of money to humanitarian causes,because it provides a good example for others to follow, and Pauland Timothy would, I am sure, applaud such generosity!

There are only two things which we can ultimately take to God:ourselves, and the relationship we have with our heavenly Father.Contentment comes from distancing ourselves from the temptation tocentre our lives on possessions, and realising that the mostprecious thing in our possession is our fellowship with God.

To Ponder

How would you define happiness?

How difficult do you find it to resist thetemptation to want what others have? What coping strategies do youhave?

At what point does 'having enough' become 'havingtoo much'?

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