Saturday 25 December 2021

Bible Book:

And the Word became flesh and lived among us and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. (v. 14)

John 1:1-14 Saturday 25 December 2021


A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS to all our readers from the 'A Word in Time' team and the Methodist Church.
May you have a happy and blessed day, and thank you for your company during  2021.

Psalm 110


At my secondary school, in Cork in Ireland, this Christmas reading from John's Gospel was always read by the then Anglican Bishop of Cork at our carol service. Each year, the Bishop would proclaim these words as if he had never ever read them before, or even heard them. The wonder in his voice, the pauses in the reading as he would look up from the text, as if to say, "Did you hear that? Amazing, isn’t it?" linger in my memory and come alive every time I hear or read this passage. Thank you, Bishop.

For the people in the Early Church, the notion of ‘word’ was significant. It indicated who a person was – their very being and their values. To be 'the Word of God' was to be everything that God meant to God’s people in terms of love and mercy, justice and provision. And this Word had come in human form and was living among God’s people. Almost unbelievable – truly a great and mighty wonder! God has said,"I give you my Word!"

In times gone by, Advent was a time of waiting and fasting. Thus, when Christmas Day dawned, there was rejoicing and happiness; God was made flesh in God’s world! Perhaps we have lost something of this wonder and joy in the general commercialisation of Christmas, the preparations for  which seem to start earlier each year. When I was a child, we didn’t put up the Christmas decorations in our home until Christmas Eve. Maybe there is something to be said for that…

But today, Advent is over and the time has come - Immanuel – which means God is with us!

To Ponder:

  • As you give and receive gifts, take a minute to reflect on God's gift of Jesus.
  • There may be someone you know who is on their own today, for whatever reason. A phone call might make all the difference to their day.

Loving God, you so loved us that you sent your only son. Grant us the grace to spread that love around! Amen.


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