Sunday 01 May 2011

Bible Book:

"My Lord and my God" (v. 28)

John 20:19-31 Sunday 1 May 2011


This passage begins on the evening of the day of resurrection.This is the third incident recorded by the Gospel-writer John onthat day. The first saw Peter and the beloved disciple finding thetomb empty and tells us that Peter "saw and believed" (John20:8) and in the second the weeping Mary Magdalene encounteredthe risen Lord (John 20:11-18).

Now the disciples are in a room, we must suppose in Jerusalem, withthe doors locked (v. 19). Suddenly the risen Jesus appears andgrant those present "peace" (shalom). Leslie Newbigin says thatthis peace is because Jesus "bears the wounds of his decisivebattle with evil" (see also Colossians 1:20).

But at this appearance Thomas was missing. A week later the one,who required visible and tangible proof that Jesus who wascrucified is alive, has his own meeting with his risen master.Traditionally, 'Doubting Thomas' is a term used to describe someonewho will refuse to believe something without direct, physical,personal evidence; a sceptic. Seeing Jesus alive and being offeredthe opportunity to touch his wounds, Thomas then professed hisfaith in Jesus - although the Bible does not mention if actualcontact took place. His cry "My Lord and my God!" is for me themost powerful resurrection statement - he would never be the sameas a result of what had happened to him.

These wounds show us how our God does not dodge the pain in theworld and can identify with those suffering, even in his risenglory.

To Ponder

Who are the people who live behind doors lockedthrough fear today?

Do the wounds of Jesus draw you closer to therisen Jesus? Why?

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