Sunday 03 December 2023

Bible Book:

Then they will see ‘the Son of Man coming in the clouds’ with great power and glory.(v. 26)

Mark 13:24-27 Sunday 3 December 2023

Psalm 80


What are these verses about? Are they (a) a description of the end of the universe? Or (b) giving the meaning of Jesus’ death?

(a) In verses 24b-25 this passage cites Isaiah 13:10 and 34:4. Daniel 7:9-14 is never far away. A mishmash of other images from the Old Testament is used. It reads like many ‘apocalyptic’ writings of the time, about the end of the world.

What was its meaning? It attempted to spell out a struggle of titanic proportions between God and Satan. Even the taken-for-granted reliability of the earth, the sun, moon and stars would be destroyed in this struggle. It was to be all-out war. But at the cost of creation itself, God would win, and bring in the kingdom of God.

(b) Mark was a skillful writer. He has already cited the thrust of today’s passage in 8:38-9:1; and he will use it again on Jesus’s lips in his trial before the Sanhedrin (14:62). Most important of all, Mark envelops his narrative of Jesus’ death with the same imagery. At noon (with the sun at its zenith), the earth was plunged into darkness (15:33); and at the moment of Jesus's death, the destruction of the Temple (God’s chosen habitation on earth) was inaugurated (15:38). So Mark gives a new meaning to the familiar apocalyptic: God’s victory over Satan has already been accomplished, through Jesus, at his death. God’s display of ‘power and glory’ is not what humans expect. 

The conclusion? There is no need to worry about the future or to indulge in end-of-the-universe speculation. All attention is on the here and now: there is good news from God that is immediately on offer to everyone everywhere. The kingdom is yours for the asking: simply believe the gospel (1:15) and respond to the demanding vocation Jesus calls for, of humble discipleship (8:34-35, 10:42-45).


To Ponder:

  • Advent Sunday launches the period when we prepare for Christmas. Among all the practical 'busyness' of this season, the themes of penitence and hope are prominent. How constructively to use the weeks of Advent? If you belong to a church, have you talked over any ideas or useful resources with others in your congregation?
  • We live in a world where global warming generates violent extremes of weather; where the brutalities of war are never far from the headlines; and where some are anxious about the threat to human life from artificial intelligence. In this world how do Christians speak meaningfully of God’s loving presence, of inner calm and serenity, and of confidence about the future? How can we communicate our faith that Jesus' death is the source of God’s life and hope emerging?

As well as 'Word in Time', the Methodist Church is running daily email Advent reflections as part of its 'Out of the Ordinary' campaign. If you would like  to sign up for them, click here.

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