Sunday 04 June 2017

Bible Book:

“As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” (v. 21)

John 20:19-23 Sunday 4 June 2017

Psalm: Psalm 104


In Jerusalem, it was the evening of Easter day. In a room whichmay have hosted the last supper three days before, the disciplesnow cower in fear of their lives. Into this tense scene walks thePrince of Peace, declaring Shalom (verse 19) and showing hisfrightened friends that it is indeed he and that here is theterrible physical evidence to prove it.

Jesus wished them peace once again (verse 21) and then lays outin one sentence just what it is that his return means for theirfuture purpose in life: "As the Father has sent me, so I send you".The implications of this define the mission to which the risenChrist calls his disciples.

This mission is firstly to be central to their being. As Jesusis the sent one defined by the mission of God the Father, sodisciples are sent by Jesus and defined by their mission to theworld. Jesus conformed to the likeness of the one who sent him, andso the degree to which disciples are committed to his mission is ameasure of how much they conform to the likeness of Jesus who sendsthem.

Secondly this mission is a continuation of the work of Jesus. Itis the great movement of the missionary heart of God, expressedthrough the Father sending the Son and then the Son sending hisdisciples. Just as Jesus is sent to do the will of the Father (John8:28), so disciples are to continue in that same faithfulness.

Thirdly this mission is a costly commitment. Jesus' obedience tothe Father who sent him cost him everything (Philippians 2:7). So if disciples are beingsent by Jesus in the same way to fulfil the same mission, they areto expect the same need for sacrificial commitment.

In equipping for this mission Jesus offers in verse 22 what JohnWesley (in Notes on the New Testament) describes as "anearnest of Pentecost",a sign or promise of the fullness of the HolySpirit joyously available to all disciples to fulfil theirmissional calling subsequent to the events of Acts2.

To Ponder

  • What glimpses can you see in your life and the life of yourchurch that demonstrate continuity with the ministry of Jesus?
  • How might we be more open to receiving the Holy Spirit to equipus for Jesus' mission?
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