Sunday 06 February 2022

Bible Book:

For he and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken. (v. 9)

Luke 5:1-11 Sunday 6 February 2022

Psalm 138


These verses bring us a story of a miraculous and unexpected catch of fish. Jesus, who isn’t a seasoned fisherman like those who have been out all night, asks them to set out for deep water. Because of who Jesus is they listen and do what he asks of them. To their amazement, they catch such a large haul of fish that they need the other boat to help them land it all.

There are a couple of things that jump out in this story. The first is Simon’s willingness to follow Jesus’ command even though it goes against everything he knows. They haven't caught any fish all night but in spite of the evidence that today wasn’t their day he sets out because Jesus asked. It reminds us that sometimes we need to follow God's call even when it seems unfruitful.

The second thing to note is that once they have caught all the fish it is so overwhelming that Simon Peter asks Jesus to go away from him. This is a common reaction in the Old Testament when someone meets God or one of his messengers. Jesus responds in the usual way for one of these encounters with the words: "Do not be afraid."  (v. 10) These words are words of comfort. Words to encourage us that even though we are sinners who at times find ourselves in the presence of God we are loved by him. It doesn’t stop there though. The words "Do not be afraid"  are often followed with a new call or instruction. God has a plan for us as he does with the fisherman here. They have a new call not to catch fish, instead they are called to catch people.


To Ponder:

  • Are there times when you don't feel good enough to follow Jesus? Listen to God's word offering you reassurance and love.
  • Simon Peter had a family and his own fishing business. What do you think it meant to him that he left everything and followed Jesus?
  • Has there been a time when you followed God's call to do something, despite it seeming unlikely to be successful?


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