Sunday 26 February 2012

Bible Book:

"You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased." (v. 11)

Mark 1:9-15 Sunday 26 February 2012


In this passage, God affirms Jesus right at the start of hisministry: "You are ... my beloved; with you I am well pleased."These are not words spoken to Jesus after any good work, but beforehe commences his work. And following this affirmation and theblessing of Baptism, Jesus is driven into the wilderness by theSpirit of God (verse 12).

In Mark's Gospel Jesus' ministry begins with a period of testingand fasting. His training field includes periods in the wilderness(eg Mark 1:35).

It is tempting, in ministry, to go headlong into work.

Jesus' style recognises the need to commence ministry with aspirit of restraint, self examination, prayer and reflection. Thereis no attempt to achieve quick results. Rather, there is achallenge to resist the temptation for instant miracles, glory,heroism and self seeking.

Jesus comes out of his meditation with a clear priority: theproclamation of the good news of the kingdom of God (verse15).

To Ponder

Do you see in this passage an insight into theHoly Trinity? What might that be?

What are the occasions that anyone has said toyou, "with you I am well pleased"?

However anyone treats you, to what extent can yousee yourself as God's "beloved"?

How far are you driven by the need to be aheroine/hero? What does that achieve?

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