Sunday 28 November 2021

Bible Book:

'There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations confused by the roaring of the sea and the waves.' (v. 25)

Luke 21:25-36 Sunday 28 November 2021

Psalm 25:1-10


This reading calls us to be aware of the signs in the world around us, in the roaring of waves and the coming of clouds. Throughout this month our attention has been on Glasgow and the COP26 climate conference, where the devastating impact of climate change was discussed. We can see the signs of climate change in the world from rising sea levels to extreme weather. And we've seen the human impact, with poor countries facing the brunt of climate change, while richer countries have been the greater cause.

Advent is a time of reflection when we look to the return of Christ in glory and the joy of the kingdom of God. But we also take stock of our present world and the many ways that the kingdom of God is not fully realised yet. In the careless treatment of God's creation and the inequality that's taking place among nations, we have fallen short of the kingdom of God.

Jesus calls us to be alert to his coming kingdom. During Advent we can think about ways we can stand up and take action against climate change. And we can pray for strength that our hearts are not weighed down by hopelessness and worry at the enormity of this issue, but we can each be ready to act. 

To Ponder:

    • What can you do to take action against climate change?
    • How can you conserve your strength to keep acting on this issue?


Creator God, we are sorry for the way we have treated your creation. Strengthen us to take action against climate change and to bring your kingdom here on earth. Amen. 

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