Thursday 01 August 2013

Bible Book:

Luke 2:28-32 Thursday 1 August 2013


When he was eight days old, Jesus was brought by his parents tobe consecrated at the temple. The temple was the place where Jewsbelieved that humans could most surely touch God's presence. Maryand Joseph were faithful Jews and they brought Jesus to an oldpriest, Simeon, a devout man who had lived under the guidance ofthe Holy Spirit (Luke 2:25). Because of his devoutness, he hadcome to believe that he would not die before he had seen God'ssalvation for God's people (Luke2:26).

The Jewish people were living under foreign occupation. Simeonwas therefore built up as a credible witness, whose quietlyfaithful living was being rewarded by God. Simeon recognised thesignificance of who Jesus was. He sang a moving song of salvation(the Nunc Dimittis), expressing the joy of an old man who has livedto see his hope fulfilled.

It is a striking vision of how salvation has been prepared andoffered to all the peoples of the earth. Jesus offers a way ofsalvation not just to Simeon's own people, Jews, but to Gentiles(non Jews) as well, and by implication to Romans too. It is auniversal vision of salvation.

To Ponder

  • Is there something you have prayed and hoped for, for manyyears that has come to fulfilment? If there is perhaps write yourown song of joy.
  • What does a vision of salvation for all people mean in thestreet where you live or your work place?
  • What does a vision of salvation mean for you and those you findit difficult to get along with? And for the both of youtogether?
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