Thursday 06 August 2009

Bible Book:
1 John

"See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are." (v.1)

1 John 3:1-3 Thursday 6 August 2009


Today's passage - traditionally attributed to the Gospel-writerJohn - focuses on who we are through Christ.

John deals with two major threads of false teachings: the realityof sin and the question of whether Jesus is the Messiah - God inflesh. Exploring these themes enables the readers of the letter tounderstand who they are in Christ - children of God.

In verse 1, John explains that we are children of God because Godloves us. He then goes further and explains that there is atransformation to come, which will enable us to be like Christ.Christians are encouraged to continue on a path that will lead themto that final transformation when Christ comes (described in thetext as Christ being "revealed" - verse 2).

Like the Israelites of the Old Testament, we too are on a journey,one that will lead us to resemble Christ when he comes. We too havebeen shown the Promised Land, but only those who stay the courseand remain firm in the faith will see that land. We have a race torun but it is a marathon, albeit one which will transform us whilewe are on its path.

In all of this we must remember that it is not because of ouractions that we are called children of God, but because God lovedus first.

To Ponder

As a child of God, how can you ensure that youstay the course?

Where are you on your journey? What are thestruggles you have overcome? Where can you see God's hand inthis?

Wednesday 05 August 2009
Friday 07 August 2009