Tuesday 20 April 2010

Bible Book:

"I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." (v.35)

John 6:30-35 Tuesday 20 April 2010


This passage comes after the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5,000and is an explanation of Jesus saying "I am the bread of life".Jesus is reported by John to have made several 'I am' sayings whichoffer a challenge and inspiration to the development of ourspiritual lives.

In this short passage John is weaving the story of Jesus into thehistory and story of the Jewish people. For many, the identity ofthe Jews as a people began when they escaped, under the leadershipof Moses, from the Egyptians and made a journey to the PromisedLand. During the journey, which lasted 40 years (which could simplymean 'a long time') they experienced many difficulties. One ofthese was hunger. This problem was solved in a miraculous mannerwhen the people discovered a white substance on the ground whichthey called manna (Exodus 16). It was edible and they called it"bread from heaven" (Exodus 16:4). They believed this manna wasGod-given.

Jesus, in this passage, identifies himself as the bread of lifewhich has come from God. He is making a direct link with the timethat the Jewish people were made God's very own people, affirmingthat God will do new things through him. These include thenurturing of the whole world and implicit in that is affirming theplace of allpeople as the people ofGod.

We are invited to share in a wider and deeper understanding ofGod's love. Instead of caring and nurturing just one people, God iscaring and nurturing the whole of creation. No one is excluded fromthe possibility of being part of the people of God. It is part ofwhat it means to have faith in Jesus Christ.

To Ponder

If we are all thepeople of God, what are the characteristics we need to value whichmark our diversity?

How are Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jews,atheists, agnostics and Christians - all peoples and all faiths -part of the people of God?

What things are truly essential in order to be aperson of faith?

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