Tuesday 29 September 2009

Bible Book:

"Here is truly an Israelite in whom there is no deceit!" (v.47)

John 1:47-51 Tuesday 29 September 2009


To make sense of Jesus' remarkable and complimentary openingwords to Nathanael, it might help to remember what Nathanael hadjust said about Jesus in verse 46. In response to Philip'sdescription of Jesus (as the one whom the prophets foretold),Nathanael says, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"

Nathanael is possibly from Bethsaida, the same town as Philip (whobrings him to Jesus), and clearly does not have a high opinion ofJesus' hometown. There may be all kinds of profound reasons whyJesus makes such a positive judgement about Nathanael: divineinsight into his character, a prophetic sense about the kind of manhe will become as a disciple...

I wonder, however, if Jesus is just amused. Nathanael says it as hesees it and that makes Jesus smile! It is funny in a way. Yousimply don't expect backwater places (so backwater that people wholive in similar tiny rural villages say, 'Can anything good comefrom there?') to produce much.

It is funny, but it's the heart of the gospel - the good news ofJesus - that the Messiah does not come into the expected places ofpower and privilege, but comes out of the back of beyond! In hisprejudiced and throwaway remark Nathanael hits the nail on thehead. "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Hisstraight-talking character becomes even more apparent when he saysto Jesus - "You are the Son of God! You are the King ofIsrael!"

You again get the sense in Jesus' response that he is simply amusedby the man. One minute Nathanael rudely dismisses Jesus, "Cananything good..." and the next he's saying, "You are the Son ofGod!" I think Jesus likes Nathanael and he promises him an excitingjourney. The upside-down logic of Jesus' approach to power andauthority is both amusing and terrifying. It catches us unawares.You do not expect that sort of thingfrom this sort of place.

Watch out Nathanael you will see "heaven opened"!

To Ponder

When has God surprised you, in unexpected ways orin unexpected places?

What most troubles you about Jesus' approach toother people?

Where would you like to notice God today?

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