Wednesday 09 March 2011

Bible Book:

"Beware of practising your piety before others in order to be seen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven." (v. 1)

Matthew 6:1-6; 16-21 Wednesday 9 March 2011


Jesus expected people to be involved in alms-giving, prayer andfasting. His concern was whether people's motives were trulyspiritual or primarily self-centred. Was it genuine self-giving orwas there an expectation of personal benefits that might accrue interms of reputation or divine reward?

In Judaism alms-giving was (and is) a sacred duty. Tzedakah,translated as 'charitable giving', comes from the Hebrew forrighteousness or fairness. Giving to the poor is an act of justice;not a cause for self-righteousness or self-publicity. True givingis a self-sacrificing commitment, which makes a difference to thegiver as well as to the recipient. This makes the widow's penny(seeMark 12:41-44) more generous than largeramounts easily afforded by the wealthy.

Prayer was taken very seriously in Jewish life. There were setdaily prayers, prayers for all occasions, and family and privateprayer. Devout Jews had specific times for prayer. (For example,in Acts 3:1 Peter and John went up to thetemple at the hour of prayer.) Jesus taught the disciples thatprayer is based on a personal relationship with God. It is not aperformance that seeks to impress others or God, who is concernedwith sincerity not eloquence (Luke18:9-14).

Fasting was expected on the Day of Atonement from dawn until dusk.Private fasts were also observed as acts of penance or signs ofmourning or for spiritual preparation. Many Pharisees fasted twicea week. Moses fasted for 40 days and nights before receiving thecommandments (Exodus 34:28) and Jesus fasted in the desertbefore he began his ministry (Matthew 4:1-2). Such fasting is realself-denial, putting spiritual concerns above physical needs. Itsymbolises our willingness to put God's will above our owndesires.

Jesus pointed out that spiritual wealth is much more important thanmaterial riches. Love, hope, faith, and peace are fundamental toour well-being and happiness, while wealth, success, power andstatus are not. (What price would you put on the love of family andfriends?) Faith isn't about trying to earn God's forgiveness,favour and blessing through religious practices or through beliefs.Faith is a relationship of love; and love does not seek reward -though altruistic self-giving naturally increases our spiritualwealth.

To Ponder

What do you find helps to increase your spiritualwealth? In what ways can you change your lifestyle during Lent tohelp with this?

If you consciously try to build up your credit inheaven, how does this compare with those non-Christians who showlove to those in need without any expectation of reward?

Consider following the Christian Aid Count Your Blessingscalendar during Lent withits daily reflections on how small examples of self-denial can helpovercome injustices in the world.

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